With the recent changes in state and local ordinances, the Rutherford County Library System has revised
their Juvenile and Young Adult patron profiles. Beginning December 18th, all card holders under 18 years
of age will be limited to checking out materials classified for their age group. The library system is aware
this will limit access to educational materials and required reading for students and has created a simple
process that allows parents and legal guardians the ability to update their child/children’s access to include their preference for juvenile, young adult, or full access to all library materials.
All parents and legal guardians of cardholders under 18 years of age are encouraged to visit their local branch beginning December 1st to make any preferred adjustments to their child/children’s account(s) in an effort to prevent interruption of resource availability. Linebaugh Public Library is located at 105 W. Vine St. in Murfreesboro. Smyrna Public Library is located at 400 Enon Springs Rd. West in Smyrna. Eagleville Bicentennial Public Library is located at 317 Old Hwy 99 in Eagleville. MGL Library is located inside Patterson Park Community Center at 521 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Murfreesboro. The Technology Engagement Center is located at 306 Minerva Drive in Murfreesboro. The Historical Research Center (HRC) is located inside the Rutherford County Archives at 435 Rice Street in Murfreesboro.
Explore, Imagine, Engage through RCLS.
For more information, call 615-893-4131 or visit rclstn.org.
New Library Card Program