MGL Youth Services

MGL is located inside Patterson Park Community Center

Story Time at MGL
Storytime at MGL is every Friday at 10am

September Storytimes:
9/27 – Into the Woods

October Storytimes:
10/4 – Pumpkins
10/11 – Fire Safety
10/18 – Skeletons
10/25 – Trick or Treat
Lucas is a Reading Education Assistance Dog (R.E.A.D.) and he loves listening to stories!
He visits MGL on
Tuesdays at 2:45 pm
Wednesdays at 3 pm
(check calendar for exact dates)

Pumpkin Decorating Contest
October 7th-15th while supplies last! Winners will be declared at the end of day the 16th.

Special Fireman Storytime
October 11th at 10 am

Heritage Celebration Festival
at the Bradley Museum
October 12th 10 am-2 pm

Gingerbread Haunted House Making Craft
October 25th 3-4 pm

Barfield Bash at Barfield Park
October 26th from 4-8 pm